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Floor Plans

A preliminary exhibit floor plan is required one (1) year prior to the first contract day. Exhibit floor plans must first be sent to your Event Coordinator or Sales Representative for review, who then submits the plan to the AFD Fire Marshal for approval. The PEC and the Fire Marshal approve all floor plans prior to move-in. Floor plans are not considered approved without being signed and stamped “Approved” from the PEC and the AFD Fire Marshal. An approved copy of the floor plan will be returned to the Client and General Service Contractor. The Client is cautioned not to sell exhibit space until the AFD Fire Marshal has approved the floor plan. This is to ensure that exits, aisles and fire protection equipment are clear and unobstructed, as well as, to avoid costly changes involving exhibits. Final approval is given after an on-site inspection by the AFD Fire Marshal is conducted.

Changes in proposed plans may be required to achieve the safe and orderly operation of the facility, compliance with the contract and PEC policies and procedures and coordination of use of the pre-function/lobby areas of the facility by joint users. The Client must allow a ten foot by ten-foot (10’ x 10’) area for the PEC utility service booth.

Required information on exhibit floor plans:

All floor plans must clearly indicate a minimum of two (2) freight- free aisles per exhibit hall, one North to South and one East to West. Freight- free aisles in exhibit hall(s) must be designated with signage or tape placed by Client or General Service Contractor.

Required specifications for exhibit floor plans

Any exception must be submitted in writing to your Event Coordinator or Sales Representative:

The exhibit hall utility boxes are located on thirty-foot (30’) centers.

An exhibitor list, both in alphabetical and numerical order, is required so prompt service may be provided to exhibitors.

Exhibits in the ballroom require prior written approval. Utilities in the ballroom are limited and the cost for providing utility and technical services to exhibits is the responsibility of the Client.

The Client must arrange for equipment or labor services for exhibit booths, i.e. tables, chairs, booth cleaning, aisle cleaning, etc.

Exhibit floor plans require a thirty foot by thirty-foot (30’ x 30’) area for concession equipment in each exhibit hall or exhibit ballroom area. Additional space is required for seating.